Bart English

on Amplify


The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State Care

Bart recounts All is for All's recent involvement with the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State Care, what this means for the disability community, and how you can get involved. Content warning: abuse & neglect.

Bart English
Bart English
Attitude What's The Disabili-TEA Series

At the Intersection: Mamie Macdonald

Mamie Macdonald features in the upcoming Attitude docuseries What’s the Disabili-TEA about people at the intersection of queer and disabled identities.

Bart English
Bart English
Social commentaries

In Between Sentences: where words and disability meet

Bart English, one of our team, is a talented poet. In this piece, Bart discusses his latest work: "In Between Sentences"

Bart English
Bart English