Social commentaries
The forgotten rights of Disabled Palestinians
According to Al Jazeera, there are 50,000 disabled people living in Gaza.

Latifa Daud
Social commentaries
Disability imposter syndrome: Severity is no measure of validity
Zach Thompson reflects on Mens Health Week and his disability imposter syndrome.

Zach Thompson
Social commentaries
Authentic Representation. What is it, really?
Ari brings their unique perspective and eloquent wordsmithery to the topic of authentic representation in the disability space. This piece takes us on a journey through time, beginning in 20th-century disability history, before sending us on a wild ride of ideas and debates from Ari's colourful lens. Strap in for a wonderfully educational and mind-opening read.

Ari Kerssens
Social commentaries
What Autistic Pride Day Means for Our Family
Amy talks about her journey with her son Micah and their celebration of 'Autistic Pride Day'

Amy Klootwyk
Social commentaries
In Between Sentences: where words and disability meet
Bart English, one of our team, is a talented poet. In this piece, Bart discusses his latest work: "In Between Sentences"

Bart English
Social commentaries
Caption Legislation needed to put Aotearoa in step with other OECD Nations
Hope Cotton is a member of The Hive, a group of young people helping to shape policy. She's a proud member of the Deaf community and relies on captions for information access. Here she speaks about the changes needed for her to better experience the world around her.

Hope Cotton
Social commentaries
Alice Mander on Disability and Feminism
This long form piece - edited by Umi Asaka and Roberta Francis Watene and written by Alice Mander considers disability and feminism

Alice Mander
Social commentaries
Latifa Daud on the Complexity of Privilege
2020 has taught us all about privilege in more ways than one. From having a safe place to quarantine in, to being able to sleep in your bed without being shot by the police. The reality that these rights are not afforded to everyone has slapped us all in the face.